Our nutrition – our health
The topic of nutrition plays an essential role at Arcadia. We consider a nutrition characterized by diversity and balance as key to health and well-being and therefore a fundamental component of our offered therapies.
Not only in individual and personally conducted conversations, but also in the form of our daily fresh, seasonal and regional offer in the Arcadia restaurant, we deal intensively with the question of what “healthy nutrition” actually is and what it consists of.
We are aware that nutrition is a fundamental, highly emotional topic that is influenced by many personal, cultural, religious, geographic, age and habitual circumstances, by physical and genetic conditions, etc.
To the extent that “healthy eating” is on everyone’s lips almost every day – be it through advertising on the streets, on television, on the radio, through the various social media, trends, so-called “foodluencers” etc. – not only unambiguous but also one-sided answers are propagated time and again.
These answers are often quite extreme and often an absolute promise of salvation is given, which cannot be kept. Extreme diets can also be dangerous, especially for a weakened organism.
On the other hand, our nutritional recommendations are characterized by the fact that we find out individually with our patients what their needs are, what their body really needs or should get rid of. In our therapy offer around nutrition, therefore, we always include special dietary supplements as well as various detoxification methods.
Healthy nutrition and the 12 vital fields
In accordance with our clinic philosophy, we pursue a holistic model and let our patients enjoy nutrition under the aspect of the “12 vital fields” researched by Dr. Saupe: „With regard to nutrition, this specifically involves an anti-inflammatory, detoxification-promoting, balanced nutrient-rich diet that stabilizes blood sugar, a diet that strengthens the immune system and mitochondria, a sufficient supply of water and oxygen saturation of the cells, a healthy microbiome and a balanced acid-base balance.“
The “12 Vital Fields” are not only influenced by what we eat, they are also interrelated and influence each other.
Here you will find an overview of the contents of the nutritional guide
The Arcadia diet: balanced, health-promoting, tasty and wholesome

Basically, this nutrition can be described as a varied, seasonal (and regional), wholesome mixed nutrition, in which as much fruit and vegetables as possible should be included in the daily menu; preferably natural and unprocessed. However, it can also be practiced as a vegetarian diet with appropriate attention to certain foods, oils and supplements (food supplements). From the aspect of nutrition and the associated effects on our organism, we at Arcadia, together with our patients, investigate what behavior, diet and food trigger, improve, support or prevent.
Scientific and understandable in theory – effective in practice
On the theoretical level, the vitalizing, health-promoting interrelationships of nutrition, taking into account universal and individual needs, are clarified both in personal conversations and through lectures, information material and literature recommendations, while on the practical level, our patients can experience what varied, wholesome, fresh and seasonal food, i.e. healthy nutrition, means through the daily freshly prepared food prepared by our trained staff in the Arcadia restaurant.
Are you interested in a treatment in our clinic?
Do you have questions about cancer therapy in our practice clinic or would you like to make an appointment with our doctors? We will take the time for an individual consultation with your doctor – by phone, video or even at our clinic directly in Bad Emstal. Please reserve an appointment using the contact form. We will get back to you immediately.
Telephone times for guest service:
Telephone times for guest service:
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
8:30 am – 12:30 pm and 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm (CEST)
Wednesday and Friday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm (CEST)